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You are Invited

We hope that you will visit us soon!

Joining a faith community can be daunting at times, but we want to try and help make this process as easy as possible for you. For this reason, we’ve put together some info on this page to help you explore the life of this church family.

Here are just a few questions visitors ask before they come.

Where do you meet?

We meet each Sunday in the Ningi Community Hall, 1320 Bribie Island Road, Ningi, next to Theo Green Park.

Where do I park?

Parking is available adjacent to the hall as well as on-street parking.

What is Church Like??

We meet at the family friendly time of 3pm on Sundays to worship God through song, prayer and Bible-based message.  The words of songs are projected on a screen so you can sing along and engage with worship however you feel most comfortable. The service is generally 60 – 70 mins in length.  Communion is celebrated on the 1st Sunday of each month.
Tea, coffee and lots of food following the service give opportunity to chat and fellowship together.

What about kids?

We love having kids at church.  There is generally a Kids Spot early in the service and before the message, children go out to a special program which includes primary and high school children.  Babies and pre-schoolers are also catered for with volunteers to care for them during the message if parents would like that.  We implement a Safe Church Policy with all people working with children required to have a Blue Card.

What do I wear?

Services at our church are casual and relaxed. Come as you are and expect to feel welcomed as our guest. There is no dress code. Most people adopt a smart casual style but wear whatever makes you feel comfortable!